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About Me

This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

Hey My name is Brittany Marie Chouinard. I am 16 years old, my birthday is September 8th. I am about 5' 3" and have brown eyes, brown hair(blonde highlights) and love to talk on the internet or phone. I love to listen to music.

Well I have lived in Williamstown all my life. I am attending Wiliamstown Middle high school. I am a junior. I have been to Germany, june 2003 for my cousins graduation. Also visited many other places like the Neterlands, Holland, Paris and many more in the two weeks i was there. I love to play basketball and play for my school.  

Isn't this cute!!!

Lovly Lions!

IMe and my brother at some zoo when we were litte.. Arn't we cute!!!

Random Jokes

A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes
Cat's urine glows under UV light
A whale's penis is called a dork

After Sex Revelation   Joke Rating
After hours and hours of exhausting sex with a blonde, a man walks into his kitchen to get a drink. He fills up his glass with milk, when he looks down and realizes that his penis is still really hot. He gets an idea and sticks it in the glass of milk to cool it down. Just as he does, the blonde walks in and says, "I always wondered how you refilled those things!"